Participants should fill and submit the following online registration form:
- As presenter participants (also upload your extended-abstract written using this extended-abstract template)
- As non-presenter participants
(Registration for who do not have a Google account, please submit the registration by email to with e-mail subject: “ISMOA 2023 registration”)
Presenter participants that pass extended-abstract review, need to prepare a full paper following this full-paper template to be submitted in due time, which will be further reviewed for submission either to Journal of Non-linear Optical Physics and Materials (JNOPM) or Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
For download the Call for Papers flyer, please check here.
If you urgently need a letter of acceptance for your extended abstract submission before the due date, please contact us via e-mail to:
If you have questions, please contact the committee via e-mail to: